After a combined 106 years (was it that long??) in the Yellow Pages industry, Norb and I will “fade away” in 2016. It has been a great ride for us to be privileged to work with some terrific people representing great publishers. We have trained over 3,000 sales and management people and over 25,000 sales personnel have had access to our sales tools on line at www.kukbaldwin.com. We are proud of that.


We are leaving but we would like to make an offer to all publishers as follows:

  • To current clients, we will invoice you in 2016 for your normal one year fee. In return we will send you a DVD with the entire content of the web site. You can use the exclusive sales tools for as long as you wish.
  • For new clients we will propose a VERY fair/reasonable one-time – one year fee. In return we will send you a DVD with the entire content of the web site. You can use the exclusive sales tools for as long as you wish.

For any publisher who currently invests in our comprehensive, interactive online program or any new user, we would continue to offer individual new hire access to this program @ www.ypsales.com. For $300.00 per trainee – a tremendous cost saver! OR you can own it and install it on your in-house server.


E-mail baldkuk@AOL.com
Cell 610 246-2823