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WeCare4® provides a global and diverse community, platform, and portfolio of resources for all caregivers and other stakeholders interested in Helping Those Who Care For Others™. WeCare4® is Helping Those Who Care For Others™ by building a platform to serve the global and diverse community of caregivers of the aging, including family, friends, or professionals and the entire ecosystem that supports them. It also seeks to break down the existing silos of information that all caregivers and the people that they serve have to explore to find everything they need. The supporting ecosystem will include all for-profit and nonprofit stakeholders that serve the aging and/or their caregivers: companies (e.g., staffing/placement agencies for caregivers and other healthcare workers, senior living advisors, medical practices, and relevant product or service providers); short- and long-term care facilities (e.g., adult daycare centers, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, hospice facilities, and hospitals); and nonmedical resources and product and service providers (e.g., eldercare advisors, attorneys, financial planners, etc.). WeCare4® enables and empowers this community as a curator, aggregator, and source of relevant news, information, products, services, and resources. In addition, there are pools of available professional caregivers, professional caregiver jobs, healthcare career opportunities, and resources for both employers and job seekers. There will also be education, training, professional development, and certification for caregivers. While WeCare4®’s initial focus is on building this community for caregivers of the aging, it will expand this model and platform to other care segments such as adults and children with special needs.