Welcome to the 2018 ADP Gold Book Awards
You are on your way to entering this illustrious competition that recognizes the best directories and marketing innovations the Yellow Pages industry has to offer. We are starting the Competition’s submission process earlier this year so members will have more time to prepare their entries by the January 31, 2018 deadline.
The registration and entry information requirements have been streamlined so Publisher members will fill out the Entry Description Forms and pay for both categories’ entries online. There are nine categories in the Directory Division and 10 in the Marketing and Promotion Division. We have revised the MP10 category to Excellence in Industry Innovation, which recognizes outstanding innovation in all aspects of our industry, including design, production, publishing or distribution.
We added a Directory of the Year category in the Directory Division last year, that offers all publishers big and small, the opportunity to receive special recognition for producing a directory that their peers and the judges consider this year’s best.
In early spring, Publisher members will vote on the Marketing and Promotion categories electronically, which allows them more time to judge the entries at their convenience. The Directory Division entries will be judged onsite at the Hilton Fort Worth in Texas, during ADP’s Annual Convention in early May.
Remember, the more categories you enter in both divisions, the better chance you have of winning the prestigious ADP’s Publisher of the Year Award.
ADP wishes every member company good luck in the Gold Book Awards and we look forward to receiving your Gold Book entries. If you have any questions about the Gold Book Awards, please call ADP at 800.267.9002 or email