Participant Resource Library

Sample Press Release

Headline: Independent Yellow Pages Publishers Across the U.S. Launch Job Initiative for Returning Military Veterans
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Sample Cover Letter

Excerpt: “… A coalition of independent directory publishers and their partners have banded together to offer our returning heroes a “welcome home” opportunity! This group is willing to provide their professional advice and marketing assistance to any returning veteran that would like to start a new business in their hometown – all at no charge to them! This program includes a comprehensive advertising program in both print and online for an entire year. Our military veterans have received training in a wide variety of occupations and trades. Now they can put those skills to work for themselves – right in their own hometown. Whether they start their own business in the retail, professional, or service sector, this program will help them get started. What better way to put America back to work than investing in the deserving men and women of our armed forces!”
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Sample Advertisements

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Press Release

Cover Letter

Sample Ads

Helping Our Heroes Launch Careers in Their Hometowns