ADP Membership Application

Please Select The membership You Are Applying For:
*All Information will remain confidential
Your Company Details:
Business Structure:
Business Structure
Are you a subsidiary or affiliate of another company?

ADP Membership Application

Principle Repersentative Contact:

Each member company, upon applying for membership, shall indicate on the membership application the name of one person who shall be designated to act as the Member’s Principal Representative in the affairs of the Association. The Principal Representative of a Publisher Member company shall have the right and responsibility to cast any and all votes on behalf of the Publisher Member company.

Publisher Applicants Only:
Mobile Application

ADP Membership Application

Please Select The membership You Are Applying For:
Partner Applications Only:

Provide a brief description of your company (75 words or less). This description will be used in your membership announcement and the Membership Roster and Industry Buyers Guide.

Please Select The Membership You Are Applying For:
Initiation Fee:

There is a one-time $250 U.S. Initiation Fee that must accompany the application.

Annual Dues:

Please refer to the Membership Dues Schedule for applicable dues. Members are required to pay annual dues in a timely manner. First year dues are pro-rated and will be invoiced upon acceptance of your application.

Your membership remains in effect until you notify the Association in writing of your intent to terminate.

ADP Membership Application


The applicant agrees to comply with the Association’s Bylaws. The Association reserves the right to amend the Bylaws without notice. The undersigned further agrees that this application, when signed by the applicant and accepted by the Association, constitutes a legally binding contract between the applicant and the Association.

Billing Address if different from above:
Note: The acceptance and processing of your check or credit card does not indicate membership. approval.
Additional Items:

Publisher member applicants need to include one copy of each of your current and immediately proceeding issue of your directories. Associate and International Publisher member applicants need to include a copy of your current directory. ALL applicants need to provide a picture of the principle representative and a full color company.

Please return the completed Membership Application with payment to:

Association of Directory Publishers
116 Cass Street
Traverse City, MI 49684
Phone: +1 800.267.9002
Fax: 231.486.2182