After more than five years away, and at a significantly smaller weight, J.C. Penney Co.’s print catalog is back. The company discontinued its often 1,000-page “Big Book” in 2009 and phased out several smaller, specialty catalogs over the past few years as well. But the company announced this week that it’s re-entering the print catalog game.

J.C. Penney spokeswoman Kate Coultas tells NPR, “Our research has shown that our customers, particularly when it comes to looking at home merchandise, still prefer to browse a traditional print piece but then go online to order the item or go into our store.”

Basically, catalogs still serve a purpose, even if just as a look book. “This is part of our omni-channel efforts designed to drive traffic to J.C. Penney wherever our customer decides to shop,” Coultas says. “Online, via mobile or tablet, or in store.”

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