Yabsta, the Absolute Local Search Engine, Partners with WhidbeyLocal.com

It all starts here ─ Yabsta, a truly local search-engine.

The big search engines may not know it yet, but they’ve got company.

When one thinks about Internet search-engines, the Goliaths come to mind: Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Ask. In fact, there are plenty of other big engines that will guide someone down specific avenues of search, specific to what someone might be looking for ─ blogs, cars, jobs, shopping, travel, food, real estate, etc. But a cursory search for the local businesses in any local town will not give the exclusively local results being looked for with Google or the other monster engines.

Enter Yabsta, the little engine that could… search absolutely local.

The first thing someone notices when they go to the https://www.Yabsta.com homepage is the catchy tagline, “Market yourself to a truly local audience.” Yabsta partner and Whidbeylocal.com creator JoAnna Weeks discovered Yabsta four years ago, when she was trying to get something going online for her local business area on Central Whidbey Island. https://www.Whidbeylocal.com is a prototype of Gary Taylor’s https://www.Bermudayp.com site, which is also powered by Yabsta, an engine that is available anywhere in the world. Taylor is the president and founder of Yabsta. The local search-engine idea came out of his familiarity with the world of print phone directories as he is also the General Manager of the Bermuda Yellow Pages. Taylor saw a need for the “absolute local online search” and built the software that became Yabsta.