Governance Committee
ADP has primarily two kinds of committees. The Governance Committee is the Committee of the Board of Directors, and includes Executive, Finance, Nominations, Strategic Planning and the Strategic Vision Task Force.
Purpose & Objective:
- Assist the Board in discharging its responsibilities with respect to the management of the business and affairs of the Association, when it is impracticable for the full Board of Directors to act and to consider matters concerning the Association that may arise from time to time.
- Shall exercise the powers of the Board in directing the management of the business and affairs of the Association
- All actions taken by the Executive Committee shall be reported to the Board at its next meeting, at which time the the Board may ratify, amend or negate such actions.
Committee Members: Chris Heilbock, Amber Weems, Brent Cooper and Cindi Aldrich.
Purpose & Objective:
- To review and monitor the management of the financial resources and the financial risks of the association, including policies with respect to investments and uses of cash and other significant financial actions proposed by the Association.
- To review discussions of possible transactions and their financial impact and progress reports.
- To review significant capital appropriations.
- To review financial outlook and plans for financing its working and long-term capital requirements.
- To review strategies with respect to insurance and risk management.
- To report annually to the Board on its assessment of the committee’s performance as a group.
Committee Members: Chris Heilbock, Amber Weems, Brent Cooper and Cindi Aldrich.
Purpose & Objective:
- To support the association during an election.
- Members of the committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors.
- Committee vacancies shall be appointed by the Board based on recommendations by the committee.
- Committee members shall serve at the request of the Board, and for such term or terms as the Board may determine.
Strategic Planning
Purpose & Objective:
- To provide the vision, framework and strategies to support independent publishers.
- To provide guidance to management team in the development of strategic plans.
- Review and recommend to the Board for approval long-term business objectives and strategic plan.
- Review the allocations of corporate resources recommended by the Association, including the consistency of such activities and allocations with long-term business objective plans.
Committee Members: Chris Heilbock, Amber Weems, Brent Cooper and Cindi Aldrich.
Strategic Vision Task Force
Purpose & Objective:
- To move ADP forward by creating a voice for the online directory community that will result in a stronger, more powerful industry influential presence for all Association members.
- Widen the ADP membership to include wide range of online directory genres and platforms and will be responsible for developing guidelines that will enhance online directory publisher members’ participation in the Association.
- Committee members are high-level industry stakeholders who will provide guidance
- Be instrumental in determining the membership value proposition for online directory publishers.
Committee Members: Chris Heilbock, Amber Weems, Brent Cooper and Cindi Aldrich.