Stay Updated with Current Issues
Today’s major challenges no longer center on competitive issues between the telcos and the independent publishers that ADP represents. Rather, they center on the efforts of state and local governments, environmental advocacy organizations, non-profit special interest groups, and frankly, a multitude of mis- and ill-informed bloggers, to limit, restrict or ban the delivery of printed Yellow Pages.
ADP continues to be an active participant in the industry coalition and is financially supporting these actions, two of which are major examples of ADP’s ongoing commitment to advocating for its members and the industry as a whole.
Stay Abreast of Ongoing Issues
The delivery restriction movement began in 2007 and ADP, as part of a broad coalition of industry stakeholders, has successfully thwarted a score of such efforts, with two notable municipal exceptions.
In 2010, the City of Seattle passed an ordinance establishing a city-authorized opt-out registry, advanced recovery fees and excessive tonnage charges.
In 2011, the Board of Supervisors for the City and County of San Francisco adopted an ordinance requiring that residents must affirmatively opt-in as a prior condition for delivery of any print directory by any publisher. Both ordinances have been challenged in U.S. District Court and/or Court of Appeals on the grounds that they violate publishers’ First Amendment rights.
The above are two major illustrations of ADP’s commitment to and success in advocating for its members. It is a commitment that will continue to be at the forefront of ADP’s strategic agenda.