Stay Informed, Stay Ahead
Our continual goal at ADP is to ensure that no member is ever surprised by new trends in the industry – be opportunities or challenges. The website is the driving mechanism that allows us to make that guarantee. There are many ways to stay informed, and we hope that one of the following methods below will appeal to you.

Advisories are reports or notices that are shared with the members regarding issues of importance to them. An archive of advisories can be located in the Media Center. ADP continuously monitors issues that affect the membership specifically and the industry in general.

Latest News
Latest News is located on the homepage of the website and will feature the latest information affecting our industry. Be sure to check the website regularly for the most recent news. All news that has been shared will be archived in the Media Center.

ADP has gone social! We want to share our status updates and latest news with our friends on Facebook. Watch for daily updates. Don’t forget to “Like Us!”

ADP is managing our professional identity on Linkedin; let’s make a connection! Our goal is to connect, build and engage with other professionals in our industry.

Like to tweet? Sign up to follow ADP on Twitter and send us tweets. Let us know what you think. Use Twitter to ask questions.

ADP has created a YouTube Channel where we gather commercials and videos that are relevant to membership, as well as the industry. Stay tuned as the area of our social initiatives grows!