ADP Trusted Local Publisher Certification Program

Trusted Local Publisher

Trusted Local Publisher


The ADP’s Trusted Local Publisher™ Certification Program identifies qualified Publisher companies whose business practices are evaluated and deemed trustworthy. SMB advertisers will be confident in their decision as to which Publisher company to spend their marketing budget with.

ADP‘s thorough certification review process evaluate the following industry best practices:

  • Business integrity and ethical standards
  • Customer service standards and accountability
  • Contract transparency — clear statements of pricing for products and services
  • Sales training practices
  • Data integrity — security and privacy of customer information

Once certified by the Association and approved by the ADP Board of Review, the Publisher company will be awarded the ADP Trusted Local Publisher Certified Seal to promote in their print and online directories. The Seal demonstrates to advertisers, users and visitors that the company’s directories and websites offer best practices, an excellent user or visitor experience, and trustworthy data including security and confirmed business identities.

$199.00 Application Fee (Formerly $250); $199.00 Annual Renewal

Don’t wait — apply today and be one of the first Publishers to earn the coveted ADP Trusted Local Publisher Certification. Click on the purple Apply Now on the Certified logo to begin the application process. If you have any questions, contact Cindi Aldrich at 800-267-9002 or

Trusted Local Publishers Helps Consumers, Too

Once a publisher is certified, we have even more benefits for you. We know that beyond getting advertising dollars, the reason you do what you do is two-fold:

  1. To help small-and-medium sized businesses preserve and increase their business over the long-term.
  2. To help the residents of the communities you service find businesses with which they should be doing business.

Both of these tie to trust — the publisher building trust with their advertisers and the business building trust with consumers.

Once you become a Trusted Local Publisher™, you are eligible to sell the Trusted Local Business™ seal. Like the publisher seal indicates trustworthiness for advertisers, the business seal demonstrates trustworthiness for consumers.

Get certified today and you’ll be ready to start displaying the seal, building trust and helping businesses build trust, too.